
Welcome. Please Come In.
Who I Am & Where I Be

What does it mean to land on this page – what am I hoping your first impressions will be?
Originally, I had a piece called Round Abouts here, which you can read on my blog page – a composition describing/justifying how I am a 'jack of all trades’ and that that is a ‘many splendored thing’.
But something about it seemed too vague and rambling – too ‘round about’.
This is a site designed to envelop some (certainly not ALL) of my passions.
To get in touch virtually, and then connect with tangible pieces of writing, art and music.
A place to share those offerings. Invite you to partake.
As I am launching this in the New Year – 2021 – my Intention – my Hope – is to give up my need for perfectionism, which has at times, kept me comatose and fearful. The words, good enough, are my nemesis. And they always have never in front of them. They constantly find me lacking, harshly judging my inadequacies, and fueling my doubt into raging firestorms. But – I am done with measuring up or down. Crying my eyes out in a dark corner. Bemoaning my lackluster results.
In all honesty, it’s a long-standing habit, and I will probably regress from time to time.
I intend to, I want to, I need to – Embrace my vulnerability, and make room to continue to Create. To Play with my Muse. To Adventure into and beyond the outreaches of my Imagination. To Remember Me.
It won’t all be good, But some of it will be great. And it will be true. Even the made-up parts. And as a friend once said to me as I struggled to discern a multitude of voices all with differing opinions, aesthetics, advice and conclusions –
If you get it right for you – you get it right for somebody.
You’re somebody.
It’s good to be Home.